1. One should always exaggerate the downside. Those who already feel sad will be reassured. Those who are happy will feel lucky.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 29, 2014
2. It's the similarities that bring two people together; but the way the differences are handled that keeps them so.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) October 19, 2014
두사람이 만나게 되는건 유사성에서 비롯되지만
그 만남이 유지되는 것은 차이점을 다루는 방식에서 결정된다.
3. Secret to a quiet life at work: be unhelpful enough you'll never be relied upon for much - but not so unhelpful you'll be sacked.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 15, 2014
4. Being persuasive: remembering what it felt like not to hold one's current point of view.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 15, 2014
설득력이 있다는 건 , 현재의 관점을 바꾼다는게 어떤 느낌인지 기억하는 것
5. Forgiveness requires a good memory - of all the times we wouldn't have made it unless someone had cut us some slack.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 14, 2014
6. Work is most fulfilling when you're at the comfortable, exciting edge of not quite knowing what you are doing.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 14, 2014
7. Definition of a failure: someone who needs other people to fail.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 14, 2014
8. Deciding not to see someone in person is, sadly, not always a guarantee you can get them out of your life/imagination.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 12, 2014
9. For most people, loving art doesn't mean pictures in museums: it means thinking deeply and intelligently about cars and clothes.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 8, 2014
10. The fear of saying something stupid (which stupid people never have) has censored far more good ideas than bad ones.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 2, 2014
11. To become a proper writer, you have to forgive yourself the catastrophe of the first draft.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 2, 2014
12. You have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of flowers, pretty skies and uneventful 'boring' days.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 1, 2014
13. For paranoia about 'what other people think': remember that very few love, only some hate - and nearly everyone just doesn't care.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 1, 2014
다른 이들이 나를 어떻게 생각할까에 대한 공포에 대하여,
기억해야 할것은 나를 사랑하는 사람은 아주 드물고, 아주 약간은 날 미워하고, 거의 대부분의 사람들은 나에대해 신경쓰지 않는다는 사실
14. What modern power has understood: there's no need to censor information, all you need to do is keep people nicely distracted.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) October 26, 2014
15. The foundation stone of morality: the always forgotten questions: 'What if this were your child? What if this was you?'
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) October 25, 2014
16. Spirit of social media: mania for taking immediate offence, pride in doing so, low prestige of forgiveness or understanding.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) October 19, 2014
17. If humanity routinely forgot key bits of science there would be an outcry, but regular erosions in wisdom go by without protest.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) November 20, 2014
18. If you want people to improve it’s not enough to make them feel guilty. You have to make it feel attractive to be good.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) October 11, 2014
19. Happiness: that blessed 10 minute interval between the resolution of one ambition and the emergence of the next.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) September 24, 2014
행복이란 , 축복받은 10분 , 어떤 야망이 실현되고 난후와 다른 야망이 생겨나기 전까지의 시간
20. Acquiring enemies may feel like a sign one's life has gone wrong: but it's more likely an indication one's found a few things to believe in.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) September 18, 2014
적이 생긴다는 것은 뭔가 잘못되어 가고 있다는 신호로 보일수도 있다.
하지만 나에게 몇가지 신념이 생겨나고 있는 징후인게 맞을거다.
21. Napoleon said: To understand someone, you have to understand what the world looked like when they were twenty.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) September 14, 2014
22. An epidemic of loneliness created by the misguided idea that the only cure to it lies in romantic relationships.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) September 14, 2014
23. The only people we can think of as normal are those we don't yet know very well.
— Alain de Botton (@alaindebotton) September 14, 2014
정상적인 사람이라고 생각하고 있는 사람들은 오직 우리가 아직 제대로 그 속을 알지 못하고 있는 사람들이다.