제주 2박 3일 여행

가본곳 2016. 12. 25. 22:07

겨울에 돌도 안된 아이와 제주여행을 가기는 쉽지 않다. 

여행지는 컴팩트하게 돌고 주로 휴양을 목적으로 해 봤다. 

숙소는 하얏트였는데 왠지 구석지다. 여름에 오면 참 좋을듯

아래 일정을 그대로 따르지 못했다. 그냥 가용한 일정을  그때 그때 변형해서 놀았음

1일차이동제주도10:3011:35김포 공항출발 / 집 출발 7시30분 / 09시 수속
렌트제주스타12:001층 5번 게이트
중식마구로 쇼쿠도13:00가게 근처에 주차할곳이 없다.
미리 주차할곳을 찾아야 한다
연정식당가브리살과 청국장
일요일은 쉽디다
간식덕인당 보리빵제주특별자치도 제주시 조천읍 신북로 36
지번조천읍 신촌리 2586-1
여행주상절리대15:0013:0030분정도 구경 30분 정도 휴식
체크인하야트 리젠시16:00서귀포시 중문관광로 72번길 114
제주특별자치도, 대한민국, 63535,
전화: 064 733 1234 , 팩스: 064 735 8635
이동서귀포 올레 매일시장17:0017:30
석식/여행서귀포 올레 매일시장시장 투어 / 참돔회 / 땅콩 막걸리 / 한라봉 주스 / 우도 땅콩
석식미영이네모슬포항 , 고등어 회는 맛있다

주상절리대 /천제연 폭포

이동성산일출봉 / 
아쿠아 플라넷
3300원 제주 - 성산
여행성산일출봉12:30입장료 4000원
식사오조 해녀의 집064-784-7789굴,전복
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 성산읍 한도로 141..
지번성산읍 오조리 3
백기 해녀의집경치가 좋다 /  물회 맛있다
064-782-0673 물회 해산물 모듬
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 성산읍 일출로 88-19
커피박물관 바움
석식칠돈가 직영점제주특별자치도 서귀포시 천제연로 137
산방식당64-794-2165 밀면 수육 여기도 모슬포항
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 대정읍 하모이산로 62
여섯시까지 밖에 안합니다
~)네거리 식당가정식 백반 스타일
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 서문로29번길
체크아웃하얏트 호텔9:00

협재 해수욕장



바다가 바로 보이는 커피숍이 있다. 가보면 알게됨

물 색깔 좋음

이동아루요 2호점11:0011:30
중식아루요 2호점11:3012:30주차장 없음 근처 공영 주차장에 세워야 일요일은 쉽니다.
뜨거운 펭귄뜨거운펭귄
제주특별자치도 제주시 구남로6길 24
그밖의 추천한림 뽈살집특수부위 돼지 고기집
제주맑음등심돈까스 경치 좋다 1시방향

Posted by 엔지니어리

친구의 권유로 알리 익스프레스에서 이어폰을 하나 사보았다.


배대지가 필요하지 않다는 점, 의외로 free shipping도 많다는 점등에 놀랐다.


9/25 저녁에 주문을 하였고,  영어로 그냥 우리집 주소를 소리나는대로 썼다.

AliExpress Standard Shipping


time table을 좇아 보면

2016-10-12  17:11:00   【8】Product Delivered (Country code: KR)
2016-10-12  06:11:00    YI.SUJI
2016-10-11  22:28:00    seongnam mail center
2016-10-11  21:10:00    INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE


2016-10-11  11:31:00    【8】Held by Custom
2016-10-11  11:30:00    【8】Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: KR)
2016-10-11  11:30:00    Arrival at inward office of exchange
2016-10-11  11:30:00      Received at Processing Facility
2016-10-03  23:53:45      Despatched to overseas (Country code: KR)
2016-10-03  23:53:00      【KRSEL】Transit to Air Transit Centre


2016-10-03  17:45:00      Arrive at Airport
2016-10-01   23:53:00     Received from Customer
2016-09-29   17:24:00     Hand over to airline
2016-09-28   14:00:00     Notification of shipment confirmation
2016-09-28   13:55:51     Successful departure from warehouse
2016-09-28   13:25:51     Warehouse processing complete
2016-09-28  03:12:51      Successful package pick-up

1) 주문 부터 판매자 처리가  이틀이상 걸렸다.  case by case 겠지

2) airline으로 넘어가는데 하루

3) airport로 가는데 4일이 걸렸다

4) 한국에 도착은 7일 정도 걸린것 같은데 정확한 날짜 셈인지는 모르겠다 .

일단 한국에 도착하니까  세관을 거쳐서 하루만에 도착하였다.

역시 한국이 빨러..


전체적으로 3주정도 걸렸다


오 소문대로 음질이 좋군 .

이어폰. 첫주문. 성공적.

'이런 저런 생각' 카테고리의 다른 글

5월의 플레이리스트  (0) 2017.05.30
시카리오를 보고  (0) 2017.05.07
11월 첫주 - 플레이 리스트  (1) 2015.11.08
NX 30mm 단렌즈 득템  (0) 2015.11.07
10월 마지막주 - 플레이 리스트  (0) 2015.10.27
Posted by 엔지니어리


훌륭한 연설문이다.




Office of the First Lady
For Immediate
July 25, 2016


Wells Fargo Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

10:05 P.M. EDT

MRS. OBAMA: Thank you all. (Applause.) Thank you so
much. You know, it’s hard to believe that it has been
eight years since I first came to this convention to talk
with you about why I thought my husband should be
President. (Applause.) Remember how I told you about his
character and conviction, his decency and his grace -– the
traits that we’ve seen every day that he’s served our
country in the White House.

I also told you about our daughters –- how they are
the heart of our hearts, the center of our world. And
during our time in the White House, we’ve had the joy of
watching them grow from bubbly little girls into poised
young women -– a journey that started soon after we arrived
in Washington, when they set off for their first day at
their new school.

I will never forget that winter morning as I watched
our girls, just seven and ten years old, pile into those
black SUVs with all those big men with
guns. (Laughter.) And I saw their little faces pressed up
against the window, and the only thing I could think was,
“What have we done?” (Laughter.) See, because at that
moment, I realized that our time in the White House would
form the foundation for who they would become, and how well
we managed this experience could truly make or break them.
That is what Barack and I think about every day as we
try to guide and protect our girls through the challenges
of this unusual life in the spotlight -- how we urge them
to ignore those who question their father’s citizenship or
faith. (Applause.) How we insist that the hateful
language they hear from public figures on TV does not
represent the true spirit of this
country. (Applause.) How we explain that when someone is
cruel, or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level
-– no, our motto is, when they go low, we go
high. (Applause.)

With every word we utter, with every action we take,
we know our kids are watching us. We as parents are their
most important role models. And let me tell you, Barack
and I take that same approach to our jobs as President and
First Lady, because we know that our words and actions
matter not just to our girls, but to children across this
country –- kids who tell us, “I saw you on TV, I wrote a
report on you for school.” Kids like the little black boy
who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope, and
he wondered, “Is my hair like yours?” (Applause.) 

And make no mistake about it, this November, when we
go to the polls, that is what we’re deciding -– not
Democrat or Republican, not left or right. No, this
election, and every election, is about who will have the
power to shape our children for the next four or eight
years of their lives. (Applause.) And I am here tonight
because in this election, there is only one person who I
trust with that responsibility, only one person who I
believe is truly qualified to be President of the United
States, and that is our friend, Hillary
Clinton. (Applause.) 

See, I trust Hillary to lead this country because I’ve
seen her lifelong devotion to our nation’s children –- not
just her own daughter, who she has raised to perfection –(applause) -- but every child who needs a champion: Kids
who take the long way to school to avoid the gangs. Kids
who wonder how they’ll ever afford college. Kids whose
parents don’t speak a word of English but dream of a better
life. Kids who look to us to determine who and what they
can be.

You see, Hillary has spent decades doing the
relentless, thankless work to actually make a difference in
their lives -- (applause) -- advocating for kids with
disabilities as a young lawyer. Fighting for children’s
health care as First Lady and for quality child care in the
Senate. And when she didn’t win the nomination eight years
ago, she didn’t get angry or
disillusioned. (Applause.) Hillary did not pack up and go
home. Because as a true public servant, Hillary knows that
this is so much bigger than her own desires and
disappointments. (Applause.) So she proudly stepped up to
serve our country once again as Secretary of State,
traveling the globe to keep our kids safe. 

And look, there were plenty of moments when Hillary
could have decided that this work was too hard, that the
price of public service was too high, that she was tired of
being picked apart for how she looks or how she talks or
even how she laughs. But here’s the thing -- what I admire
most about Hillary is that she never buckles under
pressure. (Applause.) She never takes the easy way
out. And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her
life. (Applause.) 

And when I think about the kind of President that I
want for my girls and all our children, that’s what I
want. I want someone with the proven strength to
persevere. Someone who knows this job and takes it
seriously. Someone who understands that the issues a
President faces are not black and white and cannot be
boiled down to 140 characters. (Applause.) Because when
you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and the
military in your command, you can’t make snap
decisions. You can’t have a thin skin or a tendency to
lash out. You need to be steady, and measured, and wellinformed. (Applause.) 

I want a President with a record of public service,
someone whose life’s work shows our children that we don’t
chase fame and fortune for ourselves, we fight to give
everyone a chance to succeed -- (applause) -- and we give
back, even when we’re struggling ourselves, because we know
that there is always someone worse off, and there but for
the grace of God go I. (Applause.)

I want
everyone in
believes in
those years

a President who will teach our children that
this country matters –- a President who truly
the vision that our founders put forth all
ago: That we are all created equal, each a

beloved part of the great American story. (Applause.) And
when crisis hits, we don’t turn against each other -– no,
we listen to each other. We lean on each other. Because
we are always stronger together. (Applause.) 

And I am here tonight because I know that that is the
kind of president that Hillary Clinton will be. And that’s
why, in this election, I’m with her. (Applause.) 

You see, Hillary understands that the President is
about one thing and one thing only -– it’s about leaving
something better for our kids. That’s how we’ve always
moved this country forward –- by all of us coming together
on behalf of our children -- folks who volunteer to coach
that team, to teach that Sunday school class because they
know it takes a village. Heroes of every color and creed
who wear the uniform and risk their lives to keep passing
down those blessings of liberty. 

Police officers and protestors in Dallas who all
desperately want to keep our children
safe. (Applause.) People who lined up in Orlando to
donate blood because it could have been their son, their
daughter in that club. (Applause.) Leaders like Tim Kaine
-- (applause) -- who show our kids what decency and
devotion look like. Leaders like Hillary Clinton, who has
the guts and the grace to keep coming back and putting
those cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling
until she finally breaks through, lifting all of us along
with her. (Applause.) 

That is the story of this country, the story that has
brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations
of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of
servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on
striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so
that today, I wake up every morning in a house that was
built by slaves -- (applause) -- and I watch my daughters –
- two beautiful, intelligent, black young women –- playing
with their dogs on the White House lawn. (Applause.) And
because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters –- and all our
sons and daughters -– now take for granted that a woman can
be President of the United States. (Applause.) 

So don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country
isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great
again. Because this, right now, is the greatest country on

earth. (Applause.) And as my daughters prepare to set out
into the world, I want a leader who is worthy of that
truth, a leader who is worthy of my girls’ promise and all
our kids’ promise, a leader who will be guided every day by
the love and hope and impossibly big dreams that we all
have for our children. 

So in this election, we cannot sit back and hope that
everything works out for the best. We cannot afford to be
tired, or frustrated, or cynical. No, hear me -- between
now and November, we need to do what we did eight years ago
and four years ago: We need to knock on every door. We
need to get out every vote. We need to pour every last
ounce of our passion and our strength and our love for this
country into electing Hillary Clinton as President of the
United States of America.

Let’s get to work.

Thank you all, and God bless.





Posted by 엔지니어리